Saturday, January 28, 2017

Flowered top

After a lot of thinking about what pattern to use for this top I went for this McCall's top.
Since it was a top intended to use underneath a cardigan I chose to make view B but then I thought that if it would have sleeves I could use it all year long with or without the cardigan. I used the cap sleeve pattern from another McCalls , it didn't quite fit the armhole so I had to gather a little to make it fit.

 Another change I did is the length, I did it even back and front, the pattern allows it so it's an easy change. 
I also skipped the front interfacing and I regret it because the front its not as firm as it should be and falls.
In the first trial I ended with a big bump in the back that I corrected doing the high swayback adjustment. It's the first time I do it and here's a link to a tutorial on how to do it:
Here's the corrected back of the garment.

I overall think it'a a wearable result but it's not my preferred. I generally like my clothes to be more fitted and this kind of boxy style it's just not for me. Another thing, I think this kind of fabric is to thin and lightweight for this kind of garment...I guess I have to start following pattern suggestions ;). To counter act the looseness of the top I chose to wear a stretchy fitted skirt. I guess it would look great with skinny jeans or leggings too.
I intend to give this pattern another chance one day with a knit and a smaller size. 
Here's the top with the cardigan.

I hate giving up on a pattern, I feel like I'm supposed to make it work no matter what. Anyway , I will try it again and I promise I will post it here. Thanks for visiting my blog and see you soon with more clothes! Have you tried this pattern?? Don't be afraid to share it with me! I would love to hear from you too. 
In the next posts I will be doing casual winter tops because I'm in desperate need of a few.